I was fortunate to be invited to chaperone some students to a leadership conference in Springfield, IL. We had some time to kill, so we went to the Illinois State Capitol...one of my favorite buildings in the entire state.
I simply can't quiet the docent in me when I get an opportunity to expose new people to historic architecture. These pre-teen students made it abundantly clear that they would have preferred shopping to learning about architecture.
Many had never been to Springfield, and had never seen a building as grand as our state house.
These students did not disappoint! I tried to keep them focused on the design on the floor until we were directly under the rotunda. As soon as I pointed to the fabulous rotunda, several of them reacted by dropping to the floor so they could easily gaze upwards. It was such a pure and wonderful reaction to witness! Several students later told me it was their favorite part of the trip. ❤❤❤
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